On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Julie <julie.su...@nextcentury.com> wrote:
> Coinciding with my write timeouts, all 10 of my cassandra servers are getting
> the following exception written to system.log:

"Value too large for defined data type" looks like a bug found in
older JREs.  Upgrade to u19 or later.

> Another thing that is odd is that even when the server nodes are quiescent
> because compacting is complete, I am still seeing cpu usage stay at
> about 40% .  Even after several hours, no reading or writing to the database
> and all compactions complete, the cpu usage is staying around 40%.

Possibly this is Hinted Handoff scanning going on.  You can rm
data/system/Hint* (while the node is shut down) if you want to take a
shot in the dark.  Otherwise you'll want to follow
to figure out which thread is actually consuming the CPU.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of Riptano, the source for professional Cassandra support

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