Gary Dusbabek <gdusbabek <at>> writes:

> *Hopefully* fixed.  I was never able to duplicate the problem on my
> workstation, but I had a pretty good idea what was causing the
> problem.  Julie, if you're in a position to apply and test the fix, it
> would help help us make sure we've got this one nailed down.
> Gary.
I have run a full write test with the SVN 0.6 Cassandra from yesterday which
I'll call 0.6.3 beta. I am definitely not seeing the problem in 0.6.3 beta.  I
am seeing something different than in 0.6.2 that is probably totally unrelated.
 I can tell you more if you are interested and want details.  

The headline is that when I run my 8 write clients (all on separate nodes) with
10 cassandra nodes and my clients are writing as fast as they can with
consistency=ALL with 0.6.3 beta, I get timeouts within 2 minutes of starting my
run.  When I drop back to 0.6.2, I do not get the timeouts even after 30 minutes
of running, all else the same. I have cpu usage and disk io stats on all my
cassandra nodes during the 0.6.3 beta run if they would be helpful.

I am going to go back to 0.6.2 until 0.6.3 is officially released.  Just wanted
to try it out and let you know if I saw the problem.  Interestingly, since
updating our JVM, I'm not seeing the tight-loop problem in 0.6.2 either.

Thank you for your help!

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