Converting a Forum application to cassandra's data model.


Posts [postID, threadID, userID, subject, body, created, lastmodified]

So this table contains the actual question subject and body.

When a user logs in, they want to see a list of their questions, and also
order by the last-modified date (to see if people responed to their

How would you do this best in Cassandra, seeing as the question/answer text
is stored in another table.

I know you could make a CF like:

userID { postID1, postID2, ...}

And somehow order by last-modified, but then on the actual web page you
would have to first query for postID's owned by the user, and orderd by

THEN you would have to fetch the post data from the posts collection.

Is this the only way?  I mean other than repeating the post subject+body in
the user-to-postID index CF.

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