>From a testing whether cassandra can take the load long term I do not see it
as different. Yes bulk loading can be made faster using very different
methods, but my purpose is to test cassandra with a large volume of writes
(and not to bulk load as efficiently as possible). I have scaled back to 5
writer threads per node and still see 8k writes/sec/node. With the larger
memory table settings we shall see how it goes. I have no idea how to change
a JMX setting and prefer to use std options to be frank. For us this is
after all an evaluation of whether Cassandra can replace Mysql.

I thank everyone for their help.

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Benjamin Black <b...@b3k.us> wrote:

> Wayne,
> Bulk loading this much data is a very different prospect from needing
> to sustain that rate of updates indefinitely.  As was suggested
> earlier, you likely need to tune things differently, including
> disabling minor compactions during the bulk load, to make this work
> efficiently.
> b
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Wayne <wav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Has anyone loaded 2+ terabytes of real data in one stretch into a cluster
> > without bulk loading and without any problems? How long did it take? What
> > kind of nodes were used? How many writes/sec/node can be sustained for
> 24+
> > hours?
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Peter Schuller
> > <peter.schul...@infidyne.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> I only sifted recent history of this thread (for time reasons), but:
> >>
> >> > You have started a major compaction which is now competing with those
> >> > near constant minor compactions for far too little I/O (3 SATA drives
> >> > in RAID0, perhaps?).  Normally, this would result in a massive
> >> > ballooning of your heap use as all sorts of activities (like memtable
> >> > flushes) backed up, as well.
> >>
> >> AFAIK memtable flushing is unrelated to compaction in the sense that
> >> they occur concurrently and don't block each other (except to the
> >> extent that they truly do compete for e.g. disk or CPU resources).
> >>
> >> While small memtables do indeed mean more compaction activity in
> >> total, the expensiveness of any given compaction should not be
> >> severely affecting.
> >>
> >> As far as I can tell, the two primary effects of small memtable sizes
> are:
> >>
> >> * An increase in total amount of compaction work done in total for a
> >> given database size.
> >> * An increase in the number of sstables that may accumulate while
> >> larger compactions are running.
> >> ** That in turn is particularly relevant because it can generate a lot
> >> of seek-bound activity; consider for example range queries that end up
> >> spanning 10 000 files on disk.
> >>
> >> If memtable flushes are not able to complete fast enough to cope with
> >> write activity, even if that is the case only during concurrenct
> >> compaction (for whatever reason), that suggests to me that write
> >> activity is too high. Increasing memtable sizes may help on average
> >> due to decreased compaction work, but I don't see why it would
> >> significantly affect the performance one compactions *do* in fact run.
> >>
> >> With respect to timeouts on writes: I make no claims as to whether it
> >> is expected, because I have not yet investigated, but I definitely see
> >> sporadic slowness when benchmarking high-throughput writes on a
> >> cassandra trunk snapshot somewhere between 0.6 and 0.7. This occurs
> >> even when writing to a machine where the commit log and data
> >> directories are both on separate RAID volumes that are battery backed
> >> and should have no trouble eating write bursts (and the data is such
> >> that one is CPU bound  rather than diskbound on average; so it only
> >> needs to eat bursts).
> >>
> >> I've had to add re-try to the benchmarking tool (or else up the
> >> timeout) because the default was not enough.
> >>
> >> I have not investigated exactly why this happens but it's an
> >> interesting effect that as far as I can tell should not be there.
> >> Haver other people done high-throughput writes (to the point of CPU
> >> saturation) over extended periods of time while consistently seeing
> >> low latencies (consistencty meaning never exceeding hundreds of ms
> >> over several days)?
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> / Peter Schuller
> >
> >

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