ecapriolo's testing seemed to indicate it _did_ change the behavior.
wonder what the difference is?

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Mikio Braun <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear all,
> thanks for your comments, and I'm glad that you found my post helpful.
> Concerning the incremental CMS, I've recently updated my post and added
> the experiments repeated on one of our cluster nodes, and for some
> reason incremental CMS doesn't look that different anymore. So I guess
> it's ok to stick with the non-incremental CMS for now.
> - -M
> On 08/27/2010 09:12 AM, Peter Schuller wrote:
>>> Whether or not this is likely to happen with Cassandra I don't know. I
>>> don't know much about the incremental duty cycles are scheduled and it
>>> may be the case that Cassandra is not even remotely close to having a
>>> problem with incremental mode.
>> I should further weaken my statement by pointing out that I never did
>> any exhaustive tweaking to get around the problem (other than
>> disabling incremental mode, since my primary goal has tended to be
>> ensure low pause times and not so much even GC activity). It may be
>> the case that even in stressful cases where it fails by default it is
>> simply a matter of tweaking.
>> So, I guess I should re-phrase: In terms of just turning on
>> incremental mode without at least application specific tweaking (if
>> not deployment specific testing), I would suggest caution.
> - --
> Dr. Mikio Braun                        email:
> TU Berlin                              web:
> Franklinstr. 28/29                     tel: +49 30 314 78627
> 10587 Berlin, Germany
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