On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Benjamin Black <b...@b3k.us> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Alaa Zubaidi <alaa.zuba...@pdf.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the help.
>> we have 2 drives using basic configurations, commitlog on one drive and data
>> on another.
>> and Yes the CL for writes is 3, however, the CL for reads is 1.
> It is simply not possible that you are inserting at CL.ALL (which is
> what I assume you mean by CL for writes is 3) given how frequently you
> are flushing memtables.  Flushing every 1.7 seconds with 300,000 ops
> and your 60 columns per row indicates you are inserting 3000 rows/sec,

Sorry, that should be _5000_ rows/sec, not 3000.


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