If I'm not wrong, when I run cassandra as root I don't get that mlockall error 0.
Maybe there is another solution anyway.


On 08/10/2010 11:33, Roger Schildmeijer wrote:

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Utku Can Topçu <u...@topcu.gen.tr <mailto:u...@topcu.gen.tr>> wrote:


    In order to continue on memory optimizations, I've been trying to
    use the JNA. However, when I copy the jna.jar to the lib
    directory? I get the warning. I'm currently running the 0.6.5
    version of cassandra.

    WARN [main] 2010-10-08 09:16:18,924 FBUtilities.java (line 595)
    Unknown mlockall error 0

Return value == 0 usually indicates that the operation returned successfully (atleast on most moden POSIX systems). What OS are you using?

    Should I be worried about this warning, in case JNA might not be


Roger Schildmeijer

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