Some potential problems:

1) sounds like you are using OPP/BOP and not adjusting tokens to
balance the data on each node
2) 8 client threads is not enough to saturate 16 cassandra cores
3) if your commitlog is not on a separate device from your data
directories you will have a lot of contention between reads and writes

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Arijit Mukherjee <> wrote:
> Hi
> I'll explain a bit. I'm working with Abhinav.
> We've an application which was earlier based on Lucene which would
> index a huge volume of data, and later use the indices to fetch data
> and perform a fuzzy matching operation. We wanted to use Cassandra
> primarily because of the sharding/availability/SPOF capabilities and
> the write-speed. The application is running on an 8-core machine, and
> we've 8 threads, each reading different files and writing to 3
> different CFs -
> - one to store the raw data, keyed by an ID, the ID is of the form
> ThreadName-<counter> and is unique
> - one to store a subset of the raw data - I mean a small set of
> fields, and keyed by the same ID as before
> - one to store the inverted index, keyed by a field in the data with
> all the ID of the records for which that field matched
> On the 8-core machine, with 8-threads, it took us approx 20 min. to
> create the index store with a data set of 24M rows. And this was for a
> single instance of Cassandra. 480 sec. mentioned by Abhinav earlier
> was for a smaller dataset.
> When we created a ring, by adding another similar machine, and
> re-executed the application from scratch (consistency level = ONE),
> the total time increased considerably - actually doubled. And the
> nodes were unbalanced showing 70-30 distribution of load (sometimes
> even more skewed). Effectively, in the ring, it's taking much longer
> and the data distribution in skewed. Similar thing happened when we
> tried the application on a collection of desktops (4/5 of them).
> We have faced another issue while doing this. We performed jstack on
> the application, and found an output similar to the JIRA issue 1594
> (which I mentioned in another mail earlier) - and this is true for
> both 0.6.8 and 0.7 versions. The cpu usage on the nodes is never
> greater than 50-60% (user+sys), the disk busy time is quite high. The
> CPU usage when we were using Lucene was pretty high for all the cores
> (90% or more). It may be possible that the usage has gone down because
> of the disk IO - but we aren't completely sure on this.
> We have a feeling that we aren't creating the cluster properly or have
> missed certain important configuration aspects. The configuration we
> are using is the default one. Changes to the memtable-throughput in MB
> didn't have much effect.
> Following is a snapshot from the cfstat output (for a data set of 2M rows):
> Keyspace: fct_cdr
>        Read Count: 277537
>        Read Latency: 0.43607250564789557 ms.
>        Write Count: 3781264
>        Write Latency: 0.01323008708199163 ms.
>        Pending Tasks: 0
>                Column Family: RawCDR
>                SSTable count: 1
>                Space used (live): 719796067
>                Space used (total): 1439605485
>                Memtable Columns Count: 218459
>                Memtable Data Size: 120398507
>                Memtable Switch Count: 4
>                Read Count: 0
>                Read Latency: NaN ms.
>                Write Count: 1203177
>                Write Latency: 0.016 ms.
>                Pending Tasks: 0
>                Key cache capacity: 10000
>                Key cache size: 0
>                Key cache hit rate: NaN
>                Row cache capacity: 1000
>                Row cache size: 0
>                Row cache hit rate: NaN
>                Compacted row minimum size: 535
>                Compacted row maximum size: 924
>                Compacted row mean size: 642
> Column Family: Index
>                SSTable count: 5
>                Space used (live): 326960041
>                Space used (total): 564423442
>                Memtable Columns Count: 264507
>                Memtable Data Size: 9443853
>                Memtable Switch Count: 15
>                Read Count: 178785
>                Read Latency: 0.425 ms.
>                Write Count: 1203177
>                Write Latency: 0.012 ms.
>                Pending Tasks: 0
>                Key cache capacity: 10000
>                Key cache size: 10000
>                Key cache hit rate: 0.0
>                Row cache capacity: 1000
>                Row cache size: 1000
>                Row cache hit rate: 0.0
>                Compacted row minimum size: 215
>                Compacted row maximum size: 310
>                Compacted row mean size: 215
>                Column Family: IndexInverse
>                SSTable count: 3
>                Space used (live): 164782651
>                Space used (total): 164782651
>                Memtable Columns Count: 289647
>                Memtable Data Size: 12757041
>                Memtable Switch Count: 3
>                Read Count: 98950
>                Read Latency: 0.457 ms.
>                Write Count: 1201911
>                Write Latency: 0.017 ms.
>                Pending Tasks: 0
>                Key cache capacity: 10000
>                Key cache size: 10000
>                Key cache hit rate: 0.0
>                Row cache capacity: 1000
>                Row cache size: 1000
>                Row cache hit rate: 0.0
>                Compacted row minimum size: 149
>                Compacted row maximum size: 14237
>                Compacted row mean size: 179
> The write latency shown in this is not bad, but we need to confirm
> this. It may be the case that it's something to do with the
> application and/or our configuration.
> Regards
> Arijit
> --
> "And when the night is cloudy,
> There is still a light that shines on me,
> Shine on until tomorrow, let it be."

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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