> Also, why is there so much garbage collection to begin with?  Memcache
> uses a slab allocator to reuse blocks to prevent allocation/deallocation
> of blocks from consuming all the cpu time.  Are there any plans to reuse
> blocks so the garbage collector doesn't have to work so hard?

And to address this btw, although it has nothing to do with the
problem being investigated in this thread: It's not about how *much*
time is spent on memory management. That is of course relevant, but
the issue here is to avoid long stop-the-world pauses. Even if you're
avoiding doing allocation, as long as you're not doing *zero*
allocation you need to collect what you *do* allocate in such a way as
to avoid long stop-the-world pauses.

How this is accomplished in terms of garbage collection
implementations is beyond the scope of this E-Mail, but a major point
is: Yes, there are workloads under which a given garbage collector,
like CMS, will fail to avoid stop-the-world full GC:s in perpetuity.
However, the most common problems are dead simple ones like "oops, row
cache too big" where the *SYMPTOM* is one of prolonged GC pauses, but
the actual root cause is not that of a broken or inadequate GC. It is
sub-optimal that this is so (it would clearly be more use-friendly if
one were just told that there is too much live data), but for various
reasons it is non-trivial, from a JVM perspective, to provide that
information to the operator in a way that is useful and won't trigger
incorrectly (false positively).

Also, all memory management techniques have trade-offs. If you believe
memcached is invulnerable, try this: Populate a memcached with a bunch
of data of varying size but with a given average size. Wait until it's
entirely full. Then, adjust your data so that the distribution looks
the same but is displaced singificantly (eg., maybe move from 150 byte
average blob size to 1000 byte average). Unless you were lucky in
exactly how memcached ended up sizing it's slabs and what your data
sizes happen to be, you can then watch how memcached crashes and burns
your application (which relied on the cache having a good hit ratio)
as you suddenly start seeing data evicted withing seconds after
insertion. This can happen because memcached makes trade-offs in how
it does memory management in order to achieve its performance. One of
those trade-offs involves not being able to re-allocate memory to
slabs for different object sizes, when the object size distribution

/ Peter Schuller

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