
I'm getting closer to commiting to cassandra, and now I'm in system/IT
issues and questions.  I'm in the amazon EC2 cloud.  I previously used this
forum to discover the best practice for disk layouts (large instance + the
two ephemeral disks in RAID0 for data + root volume for everything else).
Now I'm hoping to confirm bits and pieces of things I've read about for
snitch/replication strategies.  I was thinking of using
endpoint_snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.Ec2Snitch
(for people hitting this from the mailing list or google, I feel obligated
to note that the former setting is in cassandra.yaml, and the latter is an
option on a keyspace).

But, I'm only in one region. Is using the amazon snitch/networktopology
overkill given everything I have is in one DC (I believe region==DC and
availability_zone==rack).  I'm using multiple availability zones for some
level of redundancy, I'm just not yet to the point I'm using multiple
regions.  If someday I move to using multiple regions, would that change the


Will Oberman
Civic Science, Inc.
3030 Penn Avenue., First Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
(M) 412-480-7835
(E) ober...@civicscience.com

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