I am pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra 0.8.0 beta1.

The 0.8 series is shaping up nicely and is packed with Awesome.

For example, wouldn't it be great if you could perform major upgrades
without bringing the entire cluster to a complete stop?  Well, starting
with 0.8, backward compatible messaging means that rolling upgrades are
now possible.  Oh, and by "starting with 0.8" I mean, you'll be able to
perform rolling upgrades from your 0.7 clusters.

Ever wanted counters?  Of course you have!

How about encryption of inter-node data?  Hell yes.

Is it getting Real enough for you?  No?  Would you like a couple more
rhetorical questions?  Yes?

How would you feel about a query language?  Good, because now Cassandra
is not only NoSQL, it's MoSQL.  0.8 is the debut of CQL (Cassandra Query
Language), an SQL-alike query language.  We already have language
drivers for Java (JDBC), Twisted (txcql), Python (DBAPI2), and
Node.js[6], and more are on the way!

See the change log[1] and release notes[2] for a comprehensive list of
what's new.

One last thing.  Also new for 0.8 are some changes to our release
process.  We've committed to maintaining compatibility between this beta
and any subsequent beta or release candidates, and we're aiming for a
final release in the second week of May (~3 weeks).  This should make
this phase easier and less drawn out for everyone, so please,
download[4] the new beta and report any problems you find.


[1]: http://goo.gl/JdCiF (CHANGES.txt)
[2]: http://goo.gl/a7tto (NEWS.txt)
[3]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA
[4]: http://cassandra.apache.org/download
[5]: http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/DebianPackaging
[6]: https://github.com/racker/node-cassandra-client

Eric Evans

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