On ven., 2011-04-22 at 16:49 -0500, Eric Evans wrote: 
> I am pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra 0.8.0 beta1.


First of all thanks for this release, here are a few annoyances I
spotted while trying it out the published debian packages:

The cassandra-env.sh is ran by /bin/sh and uses constructs not available
in plain sh. this is fixed in 76fa3204 by Jonathan Ellis

Starting the daemon provided in the Debian package will constantly fail
due to thrift exception classes not being found. This stems from the
fact that the generated thrift classes are not included in the jar
available in the Debian package, comparing the 0.7.3 package and the
0.8.0-beta1 reveals the following difference:

On 0.7.3:
#unzip -l /usr/share/cassandra/apache-cassandra.jar | grep
     1426  2011-03-11 18:23
     8752  2011-03-11 18:23

On 0.8.0-beta1:
# unzip -l /usr/share/cassandra/apache-cassandra.jar | grep

I hope this helps.

- pyr

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