> If you have a method to retrieve the number of columns of a row (without 
> their values),  I can't see why you couldn't retrieve the column names 
> (without their values). It's perharps harder than I think... But it would be 
> rather useful ! 

Internally this just gets the full columns and counts them. 

The main reason I was dismissive was the complication it brings when dealing 
with a Column. If a Column has no value would it be because there is no value 
associated with it or because only the column name was requested? For now when 
you have a Column you have all the information about the column. 

There may also be some modelling arguments to be made. 

it's not been a show stopper for people in the past, but that does not mean 
it's a bad idea.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 8 Jun 2011, at 10:30, Patrick de Torcy wrote:

> But I want values in my columns... Imagine a cf with authors as keys. Each 
> author has written several books. So each row has columns with the title as 
> column names and the text of the book as value (ie a lot of data). If a user 
> wants to know the different books for an author, I'd like to be able to have 
> the column names without the values, then a user can pick a book name. In 
> this case I can retrieve the value from this column (and only for this one).
> Of course, I could have an additionnal column which will manage the column 
> names (=titles), but it's not very efficient and could be source of errors...
> If you have a method to retrieve the number of columns of a row (without 
> their values),  I can't see why you couldn't retrieve the column names 
> (without their values). It's perharps harder than I think... But it would be 
> rather useful ! 
> Thanks !
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 2:08 AM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:
> You can create columns without values. 
> Are you talking about reading them back through the API ? 
> I would suggest looking at your data model to see if there is a better way to 
> support your read patterns. 
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton 
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 6 Jun 2011, at 10:18, Patrick de Torcy wrote:
>> It would be definetely useful to be able to have columns (or super columns) 
>> names WITHOUT their values. If these ones are pretty big or if there are a 
>> lot of columns, that would generate traffic not necessarily needed (if in 
>> the end you are just interrested by some column).
>> Moreover it doesn't seem to be a feature too difficult to implement (well, I 
>> think...)
>> Patrick

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