
"The problem in the above approach is you have 2 nodes between 12 to 4 in
DC1 but from 4 to 12  you just have 1"

should be

"The problem in the above approach is you have 1 node between 0-4 (25%) and
and one node covering the rest which is 4-16, 0-0 (75%)"


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Vijay <> wrote:

> The problem in the above approach is you have 2 nodes between 12 to 4 in
> DC1 but from 4 to 12  you just have 1.... (Which will cause uneven
> distribution of data the node)
> It is easier to think of the DCs as ring and split equally and interleave
> them together....
> DC1 Node 1 : token 0
> DC1 Node 2 : token 8..
> DC2 Node 1 : token 4..
> DC2 Node 1 : token 12..
> Regards,
> </VJ>
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 7:31 PM, AJ <> wrote:
>>  Yes, which means that the ranges overlap each other.
>> Is this just a convention, or is it technically required when using
>> NetworkTopologyStrategy?  Would it be acceptable to split the ranges into
>> quarters by ignoring the data centers, such as:
>> DC1
>> node 1 = 0      Range: (12, 16], (0, 0]
>> node 2 = 4      Range: (0, 4]
>> DC2
>> node 3 = 8      Range: (4, 8]
>> node 4 = 12   Range: (8, 12]
>> If this is OK, are there any drawbacks to this?
>> On 6/14/2011 6:10 PM, Vijay wrote:
>> Yes... Thats right...  If you are trying to say the below...
>>  DC1
>>  Node1 Owns 50%
>>  (Ranges 8..4 -> 8..5 & 8..5 -> 0)
>> Node2 Owns 50%
>> (Ranges 0 -> 1 & 1 -> 8..4)
>>  DC2
>>  Node1 Owns 50%
>>  (Ranges 8..5 -> 0 & 0 -> 1)
>>   Node2 Owns 50%
>>   (Ranges 1 -> 8..4 & 8..4 -> 8..5)
>>  Regards,
>> </VJ>
>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 3:47 PM, AJ <> wrote:
>>> This  says:
>>> "With NetworkTopologyStrategy, you should calculate the tokens the nodes
>>> in each DC independantly."
>>> and gives the example:
>>> DC1
>>> node 1 = 0
>>> node 2 = 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
>>> DC2
>>> node 3 = 1
>>> node 4 = 85070591730234615865843651857942052865
>>> So, according to the above, the token ranges would be (abbreviated nums):
>>> DC1
>>> node 1 = 0      Range: (8..4, 16], (0, 0]
>>> node 2 = 8..4   Range: (0, 8..4]
>>> DC2
>>> node 3 = 1      Range: (8..5, 16], (0, 1]
>>> node 4 = 8..5   Range: (1, 8..5]
>>> If the above is correct, then I would be surprised as this paragraph is
>>> the only place were one would discover this and may be easy to miss...
>>> unless there's a doc buried somewhere in plain view that I missed.
>>> So, have I interpreted this paragraph correctly?  Was this design to help
>>> keep data somewhat localized if that was important, such as a geographically
>>> dispersed DC?
>>> Thanks!

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