Ok guys, thank you for the valuable hints you gave me.
For sure, things will perform much better on a real hardware. But my object
maybe isn't really to see what't the max throughput that the datastores
have. It is more or less like, given an equal condition, which one would
perform better.
But I'll do this way, I'm going to use a high-end machine (6GB RAM, 4
cores) and run Cassandra, MySQL and the Client Test Application on the same
machine. Unfortunately, I'll have to use Windows 7 as a host to the
>From your experience, do you think that even in single node, can Cassandra
beat in inserts a RDBMS? I've seen that InnoDB (something that compares to
the other databases relational engine) is pretty slow. But when it comes to
MyISAM, things are much faster.


2012/1/22 Chris Gerken <chrisger...@mindspring.com>

> Edward (and Maxim),
> I agree.  I was just recalling previous performance bake-offs (for other
> technologies, long time ago, galaxy far far away) in which the customer had
> put together a mockup of the high throughput expected in production and
> wanted to make a decision against that one set of numbers.  We always found
> that both/all competing products could be made to run faster due to
> unexpected factors in the non-production test build.  For our side, we
> always started simple and built up the throughput until we found a
> bottleneck.  We fixed the bottleneck. Rinse and repeat.
> Chris Gerken
> chrisger...@mindspring.com
> 512.587.5261
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/chgerken
> On Jan 22, 2012, at 8:51 AM, Edward Capriolo wrote:
> In some sense 1 for one performance "almost" does not matter. Thou I bet
> you can get Cassandra better (I remember old school ycsb white paper
> benches against a sharded mysql).
> One of the main bullet points of Cassandra is if you want to grow from 4
> nodes, to 8 nodes, to 14 nodes, and so on, Cassandra is elastic and
> supports online adding and removing of nodes. A do-it-yourself hash mod
> this algorithm really has no upgrade path
> Edward
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Chris Gerken 
> <chrisger...@mindspring.com>wrote:
>> Howdy Gustavo,
>> One thing that jumped out at me is your having put two cassandra images
>> on the same box.  There may be enough CPU and memory for the two images
>> combined but you may be seeing some other resource not being shared so
>> nicely - network card bandwidth, for example.
>> More generally, the real question is what the bottleneck is (for both
>> db's, actually).  Start with Cassandra running in that configuration and
>> start with one client thread sending one request a second.  Look at the
>> CPU, network and memory metrics for all boxes (including the client).
>>  Nothing should be even close to maxing out that that throughout.  Now
>> incrementally increase one of the test parameters (number of clients or
>> number of inserts per second) just a bit (say from one transaction to 5)
>> and note the above metrics.  Keep slowly increasing the test parameters,
>> one at a time, until one of the metrics maxes out.  That's the bottleneck
>> you're wondering about.  Fix that and the db, be it Cassandra or MySQL)
>> will move ahead of the other performance-wise.  Turn your attention to the
>> other db and repeat.
>>  - Chris Gerken
>> On Jan 22, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Gustavo Gustavo wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've set up a testing evironment for Cassandra and MySQL, to compare
>> both, regarding *performance only*. And I must admit that I was expecting
>> Cassandra to beat MySQL. But I've not seen this happening up to now.
>> My application/use case is INSERT intensive, since I'm not updating
>> anything, just inserting all the time.
>> To compare both I created virtual machines with Ubuntu 11.10, and
>> installed the latest versions of each datastore. Each VM has 1GB of RAM.
>> I've used VMs as a way to give both datastores an equal sandbox.
>> MySQL is set up to work as sharded, with 2 databases, that means that
>> records are inserted to a specific instance based on key % 2. The engine is
>> MyISAM (InnoDB was really slow and not really needed to my case). There's a
>> primary compound key (integer and datetime columns) in this test table.
>> Let's name the "nodes" MySQL1 and MySQL2.
>> Cassandra is set up to work with 4 nodes, with keys (tokens) set up to
>> distribute records evenly across the 4 nodes (nodetool ring reports 25% to
>> each node), replication factor 1 and RandomPartitioner, the other configs
>> are left to default. Let's name the nodes Cassandra1, Cassandra2,
>> Cassandra3 and Cassandra4.
>> I'm using 2 physical machines (Windows7) to host the 4 (Cassandra) or 2
>> (MySQL) virtual machines, this way:
>> Machine1: MySQL1, Cassandra1, Cassandra3
>> Machine2: MySQL2, Cassandra2, Cassandra4
>> The machines have CPU and RAM enough to host Cassandra Cluster or MySQL
>> "Cluster" at a time.
>> The client test applicatin is running in a third physical machine, with 8
>> threads doing inserts. The test application is written in C# (Windows7)
>> using Aquiles high-level client.
>> My use case is a vehicle tracking system. So, let's suppose, from minute
>> to minute, the vehicle sends its position together with some other GPS data
>> and vehicle status information. The columns in my Cassandra cluster are
>> just the DateTime (long value) of a position for a specific vehicle, and
>> the value is all the other data serialized to binary format. Therefore, my
>> CF really grows in columns number. So all data is inserted only to one
>> CF/Table named Positions. The key to Cassandra is the VehicleID and to
>> MySQL VehicleID + PositionDateTime (MySQL creates an index to this
>> automatically). Important to note that MySQL threw tons of connection
>> exceptions, even though, the insert was retried until it got through MySQL.
>> My test case was to insert 1k positions for 1k vehicles to 10 days -
>> which gives 10.000.000 of inserts.
>> The final thoughtput that my application had for this scenario was:
>> Cassandra x 4
>> 2012-01-21 11:45:38,044 #6         [Logger.Log] INFO  - >> Inserted
>> 10000 positions for 1000 vehicles (10000000 inserts):
>> 2012-01-21 11:45:38,082 #6         [Logger.Log] INFO  - >> Total Time:
>> 2:37:03,359
>> 2012-01-21 11:45:38,085 #6         [Logger.Log] INFO  - >> Throughput:
>> 1061 inserts/s
>> And for MySQL x 2
>> 2012-01-21 14:26:25,197 #6         [Logger.Log] INFO  - >> Inserted
>> 10000 positions for 1000 vehicles (10000000 inserts):
>> 2012-01-21 14:26:25,250 #6         [Logger.Log] INFO  - >> Total Time:
>> 2:06:25,914
>> 2012-01-21 14:26:25,263 #6         [Logger.Log] INFO  - >> Throughput:
>> 1318 inserts/s
>> Is there something that I'm missing here? Is this excepted? Or the
>> problem is somewhere else and that's hard to say looking at this
>> description?
>> Cheers,
>> Gustavo

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