Thanks a Lot Deno.  A bit surprised that the an equivalent command should be 
there with nodetool. Not sure if it is in the latest release.

BTW this makes a prerequisite that all the Data files of Cassandra be it index 
or filters etc will have unique names across cluster. Is this a reasoanble 
assumption to have.

From: Deno Vichas []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Taking a Cluster Wide Snapshot

On 4/25/2012 11:34 PM, Shubham Srivastava wrote:
Whats the best way(or the only way) to take a cluster wide backup of Cassandra. 
Cant find much of the documentation on the same.

I am using a MultiDC setup with cassandra 0.8.6.

 here's how i'm doing in AWS land using the DataStax AMI via a nightly cron 
job.  you'll need pssh and s3cmd -

cd /home/ec2-user/ops

echo "making snapshots"
pssh -h prod-cassandra-nodes.txt -l ubuntu -P 'nodetool -h localhost -p 7199 
clearsnapshot stocktouch'
pssh -h prod-cassandra-nodes.txt -l ubuntu -P 'nodetool -h localhost -p 7199 
snapshot stocktouch'

echo "making tar balls"
pssh -h prod-cassandra-nodes.txt -l ubuntu -P -t 0 'rm 
pssh -h prod-cassandra-nodes.txt -l ubuntu -P -t 0 'tar -zcvf 
`hostname`-cassandra-snapshot.tar.gz /raid0/cassandra/data/stocktouch/snapshots'

echo "coping tar balls"
pslurp -h prod-cassandra-nodes.txt -l ubuntu 
/home/ubuntu/*cassandra-snapshot.tar.gz .

echo "tar'ing tar balls"
tar -cvf cassandra-snapshots-all-nodes.tar 10*

echo "pushing to S3"
../s3cmd-1.1.0-beta3/s3cmd put cassandra-snapshots-all-nodes.tar  

echo "DONE!"

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