I've not heard of anything like that in the recent versions. There were some 
issues in the early 0.8 

If you are on a recent version can you please create a jira ticket 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA describing what you think 

If you have kept the logs from the startup and can make them available please 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 23/05/2012, at 12:42 AM, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

> "not sure what you mean by
> And after restarting the second one I have lost all the consistency of
> my data. All my statistics since September are totally false now in
> production
> Can you give some examples?"
> After restarting my 2 nodes (one after the other), All my counters
> have become wrong. The counters values were modified by the restart.
> Let's say I had a counter column called 20120101#click that value was
> 569, after the restart the value has become 751. I think that all the
> values have increased (I'm not sure) but all counters have increased
> in differents way, some values have increased a lot other just a bit.
> "Counter are not idempotent so if the client app retries TimedOut
> requests you can get an over count. That should not result in lost
> data."
> Some of these counters haven't be written since September and have
> still been modified by the restart.
> "Have you been running repair ?"
> Yes, Repair didn't helped. I have the feeling that repairing doesn't
> work on counters.
> I have restored the data now, but I am afraid of restarting any node.
> I can remain in this position too long...

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