Hi folks,

I'm a relative newbie to Cassandra, and have been trying to get up to
speed on it so that I can start using it at $WORK.

I ran into an interesting issue the other day with nodetool.  I
currently have Cassandra running on an Amazon EC2 instance running
Ubuntu 10.10.  At one point, I rebooted the system, and it looks like
any attempt to use nodetool to talk to the localhost instead tries to
connect to the old IP address of the machine! (EC2 instances get a new
IP after shutdown/startup)

When I try to run nodetool now, it times out after about 10 seconds
with an error like this:

dmuth@devteam:~ $ nodetool --host localhost ring
Error connection to remote JMX agent!
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;
nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out

And I've verified that the IP of the machine does NOT in fact end in .16:

dmuth@devteam:~ $ ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 12:31:3d:14:6a:84
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

I checked configuration file for Cassandra and verified that I do in
fact have the new IP address in there.  I also made sure that there
was nothing weird in /etc/hosts.

Also, cqlsh works just fine, as does the Helenus client for node.js.
I can talk to our cassandra instance just fine through either of those

I'm out of ideas at this point.  Does anyone have any other
suggestions for what I investigate on my system?


-- Doug

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