Hello together,

after my inital tests all is up and running, replacing a dead node was no problem at all. Now I tried to setup encryption between nodes. I set up keystores and a truststore as described in the docs. Every node has it's own keystore with one private key and a truststore with all imported public keys/certs.

for my first node:

db02, Mar 13, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): D3:B1:37:8A:05:43:F1:7A:F9:70:7A:4C:91:6F:09:96:BF:75:21:81

for my second node:

db01, Mar 13, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): BA:E9:F4:06:15:AE:CC:79:18:8B:69:C0:70:EF:19:82:0E:81:76:E8

shared truststore:

db02, Mar 13, 2013, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): D3:B1:37:8A:05:43:F1:7A:F9:70:7A:4C:91:6F:09:96:BF:75:21:81
db01, Mar 13, 2013, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): BA:E9:F4:06:15:AE:CC:79:18:8B:69:C0:70:EF:19:82:0E:81:76:E8

relevant cassandra.yaml (db01 and db02 differ on both nodes):

    internode_encryption: all
    keystore: /home/cassandra/certs/db01.keystore
    keystore_password: cassandra
    truststore: /home/cassandra/certs/.truststore
    truststore_password: cassandra

Now the question that puzzels me. If I disable encryption and start both nodes the join each other an I have a working cluster. If I enable encryption they do not join any longer and I have to seperate nodes.

Any hints?


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