You can 'list' or 'select *' the column family and you get them in a pseudo
random order. When you say subset it implies you might want a specific
range which is something this schema can not do.

On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 2:05 AM, Gareth Collins

> Hello,
> If I have a cql3 table like this (I don't have a table with this data -
> this is just for example):
> create table (
>     surname text,
>     city text,
>     country text,
>     event_id timeuuid,
>     data text,
>     PRIMARY KEY ((surname, city, country),event_id));
> there is no way of (easily) getting the set (or a subset) of partition
> keys, is there (i.e. surname/city/country)? If I want easy access to do
> queries to get a subset of the partition keys, I have to create another
> table?
> I am assuming yes but just making sure I am not missing something obvious
> here.
> thanks in advance,
> Gareth

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