I'm experimenting with a data model that will need to ingest a lot of data that 
will need to be query able by time.  In the example below, I want to be able to 
run a query like "select * from count3 where counter = 'test' and ts > 
minTimeuuid('2013-06-18 16:23:00') and ts < minTimeuuid('2013-06-18 
16:24:00');".  However, in certain cases this query fails with the error "Bad 
Request: Start key must sort before (or equal to) finish key in your 
partitioner!".  It's not clear to be why this happens or what the issue is as 
it seems like a bug.

Here's the table:

  counter text,
  ts timeuuid,
  key1 text,
  value int,
  PRIMARY KEY ((counter, ts))

It has data like so:

cqlsh:Statistics> select counter,dateof(ts),key1,value from count3;

 counter | dateof(ts)               | key1 | value
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:25-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:28-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:28-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:28-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:29-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:29-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:29-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:30-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:30-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:31-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:31-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:31-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:32-0400 |    1 |     1
    test | 2013-06-18 16:23:32-0400 |    1 |     1

    cqlsh:Statistics> select * from count3 where counter = 'test' and ts > 
minTimeuuid('2013-06-18 16:23:00') and ts < minTimeuuid('2013-06-18 16:24:00');
Bad Request: Start key must sort before (or equal to) finish key in your 

cqlsh:Statistics> select * from count3 where counter = 'test' and ts > 
minTimeuuid('2013-06-18 16:23:25') and ts < minTimeuuid('2013-06-18 16:23:31');

 counter | ts                                   | key1 | value
    test | edee0df0-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | ef9a5e60-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | efccb900-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | effb1c00-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | f0284680-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | f05b8b80-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | f08c5f80-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | f0c6f780-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1
    test | f1018f80-d854-11e2-ac46-cba9e55f995d |    1 |     1


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