
This is more of a Priam question, but asking it in the Cassandra forum
since many of you may be using Priam to backup data from Cassandra.

We are planning to migrate to Cassandra 1.2.5 in production. Which is the
most stable version of Priam which is compatible with Cassandra 1.2.5 and
is production-ready?

I am currently testing Priam version 1.2 (from the git branch -
https://github.com/Netflix/Priam/tree/1.2) with cassandra 1.2.5. I followed
all the setup instructions from the Priam wiki. I have changed my default
property priam.cass.home to point to my cassandra installation located at

When I launch my auto scale group and log-in to the node, I see that
cassandra is not up. In the catalina.out, I see a line "Couldnt execute the
task because of /mnt/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml (No such file or
directory)". I believe that this is because the default cassandra home is
/mnt/cassandra in Priam version 1.2. But I have changed the priam.cass.home
attribute value in PriamProperties domain in SDB. Reading all the attribute
values for the items in PriamProperties domain in sdb returns correct
values. Is there something else that I need to change for Priam to locate
the correct cassandra home directory?

Further in the catalina.out log, I see the error - "Exception --> Status
Code: 403, AWS Service: Amazon S3, AWS Request ID: ....., AWS Error Code:
AccessDenied, AWS Error Message: Access Denied".
What other permissions do I need to set on my AWS instance for Priam to
startup with Cassandra?

Also, does anyone have a good architecture diagram of Priam with Cassandra.
It would be really useful to get a sense of how the system works. Could not
find it anywhere.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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