Hi all,
for an online shop owned by my company I would like to remove MySQL for 
everything concerning the frontend and use Cassandra instead.
The site has more than a million visit each day but what we need to know is

Products (deals) are divided for cities
Each product can stay online for X time and sell a max number of Y items

        city string,
        deal_id timeuuid,
        availability int,
        deal_info string,
        PRIMARY KEY ((city, deal_id))

The only problem I see in this model is how to guarantee the "availability" of 
a deal and don't "overbook" -- How to solve the problem of "remaining items" in 
real time? 

I have many idea how to solve it on the web-application but I wonder if there 
is nothing ready on Cassandra that might help.

Kindest regards,

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