Thanks Dean. I'll check that page out.


On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Hiller, Dean <> wrote:

> PlayOrm supports different types of wide rows like embedded list in the
> object, etc. etc.  There is a list of nosql patterns mixed with playorm
> patterns on this page
> From: Les Hartzman <<>>
> Reply-To: "<>" <
> Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 1:18 PM
> To: "<>" <
> Subject: Wide rows (time series data) and ORM
> As I'm becoming more familiar with Cassandra I'm still trying to shift my
> thinking from relational to NoSQL.
> Can Kundera work with wide rows in an ORM manner? In other words, can you
> actually design a POJO that fits the standard recipe for JPA usage? Would
> the queries return collections of the POJO to handle wide row data?
> I had considered using Spring and JPA for Cassandra, but it appears that
> other than basic configuration issues for Cassandra, to use Spring and JPA
> on a Cassandra database seems like an effort in futility if Cassandra is
> used as a NoSQL database instead of mimicking an RDBMS solution.
> If anyone can shed any light on this, I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> Les

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