Not sure if you are asking about the authentication & authorisation in 
cassandra or how to implemented the same using cassandra. 

info on the cassandra authentication and authorisation is here

Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton
New Zealand

Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
Apache Cassandra Consulting

On 12/12/2013, at 4:31 pm, onlinespending <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m using Cassandra in an environment where many users can login to use an 
> application I’m developing. I’m curious if anyone has any advice or links to 
> documentation / blogs where it discusses common implementations or best 
> practices for user and password authentication. My cursory search online 
> didn’t bring much up on the subject. I suppose the information needn’t even 
> be specific to Cassandra.
> I imagine a few basic steps will be as follows:
> user types in username (e.g. email address) and password
> this is verified against a table storing username and passwords (encrypted in 
> some way)
> a token is return to the app / web browser to allow further transactions 
> using secure token (e.g. cookie)
> Obviously I’m only scratching the surface and it’s the detail and best 
> practices of implementing this user / password authentication that I’m 
> curious about.
> Thank you,
> Ben

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