It's possible the time attributed to GC is actually spent somewhere else; a
multitude of tasks may occur during the same safepoint as a GC. We've seen
some batch revoke of biased locks take a long time, for instance; *if* this
is happening in your case, and we can track down which objects, I would
consider it a bug and we may be able to fix it.

-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics -XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount=1

On 29 January 2014 16:23, Joel Samuelsson <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We've been trying to figure out why we have so long and frequent
> stop-the-world GC even though we have basically no load.
> Today we got a log of a weird GC that I wonder if you have any theories of
> why it might have happened.
> A plot of our heap at the time, paired with the GC time from the Cassandra
> log:
> -The blue line is the ratio of Eden space used (i.e. 1.0 = full)
> -The red line is the ratio of Survivor0 space used
> -The green line is the ratio of Survivor1 space used
> -The teal line is the ratio of Old Gen space used
> -The pink line shows during which period of time a GC happened (from the
> Cassandra log)
> Eden space is filling up and being cleared as expected in the first and
> last hill but on the middle one, it takes two seconds to clear Eden (note
> that Eden has ratio 1 for 2 seconds). Neither the survivor spaces nor old
> generation increase significantly afterwards.
> Any ideas of why this might be happening?
> We have swap disabled, JNA enabled, no CPU spikes at the time, no disk I/O
> spikes at the time. What else could be causing this?
> /Joel Samuelsson

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