Thanks, but I would think that just sets keep alive from the client end; I’m 
talking about the server end… this is one of those issues where there is 
something (e.g. switch, firewall, VPN in between the client and the server) and 
we get left with orphaned established connections to the server when the client 
is gone.

On Apr 9, 2014, at 2:48 AM, DuyHai Doan <> wrote:

> Hello Graham
>  You can use the following code with the official Java driver:
>  SocketOptions socketOptions = new SocketOptions();
>  socketOptions.setKeepAlive(true);
>  Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(contactPointsList)
>                         .withPort(cql3Port)
>                         .withCompression(ProtocolOptions.Compression.SNAPPY)
>                         .withCredentials(cassandraUsername, cassandraPassword)
>                         .withSocketOptions(socketOptions)
>                         .build();
>  or :
> alreadyBuiltClusterInstance.getConfiguration().getSocketOptions().setKeepAlive(true);
>  Althought I'm not sure if the second alternative does work because the 
> cluster is already built and maybe the connection is already established...
>  Regards
>  Duy Hai DOAN
> On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:59 AM, graham sanderson <> wrote:
> Is there a way to configure KEEPALIVE on the server end sockets of the binary 
> protocol.
> rpc_keepalive only affects thrift.
> This is on 2.0.5
> Thanks,
> Graham

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