If you are migrating all nodes, you might want to consider creating a new data center, bringing up all the new nodes (bootstrap) in that new data center, and then decommissioning all the nodes in the old data center.

That way, the existing nodes remain fully operational during the process, and the new nodes are not available until the new data center is completely ready. And if something goes wrong, no harm to the existing nodes.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Robert Stupp
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 11:17 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Compaction before Decommission and Bootstrapping

In a few words:
Bootstrap one node at once
Wait for bootstrap to complete
Next node

More details: datastax.com/docs (C* 2.0)

Before decommissioning: nodetool cleanup

Don't forget to do repairs (one node at a time) - this should be a regular admin task

Sent from my iPhone

Am 17.08.2014 um 15:46 schrieb Maxime <maxim...@gmail.com>:

Is there some unwritten wisdom with regards to the use 'nodetool compact' before bootstrapping new nodes and decommissioning old ones?

I've been spending the last few days trying to move a cluster on DigitalOcean 2GB machines to 4GB machines (same provider). To do so I wanted to create the new nodes, bootstrap them, then decommission the old ones (one by one seems to be the only available option).

The bootstrapping was failing, eventually I figured out it was somehow related to the TombstoneOverwhelmingException on the new nodes. I issued a 'nodetool compact' on the entire cluster to try to minimize the number of Tombstones. Once that was done I was able to bootstrap all my new nodes.

Now is the time to decommission. From the very first node I tried to decommission I've been getting 1 node dying after an almost endless loop of "GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep" showing the heap getting fuller and fuller until the node dies. On one node I've been able to bump the MAX_HEAP_SIZE by 400MB and get it to work (it was a 4GB node), but now I'm getting the same symptoms on a 2GB node where the heap is as big as it can be before the OS running out of RAM itself, so I can't expand the MAX_HEAP_SIZE. It would seem I have really painted myself into a scrap-the-cluster kind of way.

Not knowing the inner-workings of Cassandra's bootstrap and decommission mechanisms means all I can do is make an educated guesses that perhaps doing another 'nodetool compact' on the nodes I'm about to decommission might help. However I have not found any wisdom or documentation on anything relating to this, which I find surprising as I can't be the first to have had this problem.

Does anyone have a real-world production process for efficiently and reliably bootstrap and decommission nodes in a cluster? Seems it might look like <compact all>, <bootstrap one-by-one>, <compact all>, <decommission one-by-one (really?!?)>. Or are all my problems due to me running on "hardware" that doesn't have resources (RAM,CPU) to spare in the first place?


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