
We have a new stress tool to help you share your schema for wider bench
marking.  see
If you wouldn't mind creating a yaml for your schema I would be happy to
take a look.


On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Leleu Eric <>

>  Hi,
> I’m currently testing Cassandra 2.0.9  (and since the last week 2.1) under
> some read heavy load…
> I have 2 cassandra nodes (RF : 2) running under CentOS 6 with 16GB of RAM
> and 8 Cores.
> I have around 93GB of data per node (one Disk of 300GB with SAS interface
> and a Rotational Speed of 10500)
> I have 300 active client threads and they request the C* nodes with a
> Consitency level set to ONE (I’m using the CQL datastax driver).
> During my tests I saw  a lot of CPU consumption (70% user / 6%sys / 4%
> iowait / 20%idle).
> C* nodes respond to around 5000 op/s (sometime up to 6000op/s)
> I try to profile a node and at the first look, 60% of the CPU is passed in
> the “” package. ( or
> I know that Benchmark results are highly dependent of the Dataset and use
> cases, but according to my point of view this CPU consumption is normal
> according to the load.
> Someone can confirm that point ?
> According to my Hardware configuration, can I expect to have more than
> 6000 read op/s ?
> Regards,
> Eric
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