This certainly sounds like a JVM bug.

We are running C* 2.0.9 on pretty high end machines with pretty large heaps, 
and don’t seem to have seen this (note we are on 7u67, so that might be an 
interesting data point, though since the old thread predated that probably not)

1) From the app/java side, I’d obviously see if you can identify anything which 
always coincides with this - repair, compaction etc
2) From the VM side (given that this as Benedict mentioned) some threads are 
taking a long time to rendezvous at the safe point, and it is probably not 
application threads, I’d look what GC threads, compiler threads etc might be 
doing. As mentioned it shouldn’t be anything to do with operations which run at 
a safe point anyway (e.g. scavenge)
        a) So look at what CMS is doing at the time and see if you can correlate
        b) Check Oracle for related bugs - didn’t obviously see any, but there 
have been some complaints related to compilation and safe points
        c) Add any compilation tracing you can
        d) Kind of important here - see if you can figure out via dtrace, 
system tap, gdb or whatever, what the threads are doing when this happens. 
Sadly it doesn’t look like you can figure out when this is happening (until 
afterwards) unless you have access to a debug JVM build (and can turn on 
-XX:+TraceSafepoint and look for a safe point start without a corresponding 
update within a time period) - if you don’t have access to that, I guess you 
could try and get a dump every 2-3 seconds (you should catch a 9 second pause 

> On Oct 24, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Dan van Kley <> wrote:
> I'm also curious to know if this was ever resolved or if there's any other 
> recommended steps to take to continue to track it down. I'm seeing the same 
> issue in our production cluster, which is running Cassandra 2.0.10 and JVM 
> 1.7u71, using the CMS collector. Just as described above, the issue is long 
> "Total time for which application threads were stopped" pauses that are not a 
> direct result of GC pauses (ParNew, initial mark or remark). When I enabled 
> the safepoint logging I saw the same result, long "sync" pause times with 
> short spin and block times, usually with the "RevokeBias" description. We're 
> seeing pause times sometimes in excess of 10 seconds, so it's a pretty 
> debilitating issue. Our machines are not swapping (or even close to it) or 
> having other load issues when these pauses occur. Any ideas would be very 
> appreciated. Thanks!

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