Thanks Ryan.
So, as Jonathan recommended, we should have RF=3 with Three nodes.
So Quorum = 2 so, CL= 2 (or I need the CL to be set to two) and I will not
need the  downgrading retry policy, in case if my one node goes down.

I can dynamically add a New node to my Cluster.
Can I change my RF to 3, dynamically without affecting my nodes ?


On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Ryan Svihla <> wrote:
> CL quorum with RF2 is equivalent to ALL, writes will require
> acknowledgement from both nodes, and reads will be from both nodes.
> CL one will write to both replicas, but return success as soon as the
> first one responds, read will be from one node ( load balancing strategy
> determines which one).
> FWIW I've come around to dislike downgrading retry policy. I now feel like
> if I'm using downgrading, I'm effectively going to be using that downgraded
> policy most of the time under server stress, so in practice that reduced
> consistency is the effective consistency I'm asking for from my writes and
> reads.
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Neha Trivedi <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,QUORUM = (sum_of_replication_factors / 2) + 1, For us Quorum
>> = (2/2) +1 = 2.
>> Default CL is ONE and RF=2 with Two Nodes in the cluster.(I am little
>> confused, what is my read CL and what is my WRITE CL?)
>> So, does it mean that for every WRITE it will write in both the nodes?
>> and For every READ, it will read from both nodes and give back to client?
>> DOWNGRADERETRYPOLICY will downgrade the CL if a node is down?
>> Regards
>> Neha
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Jonathan Haddad <>
>> wrote:
>>> I did a presentation on diagnosing performance problems in production at
>>> the US & Euro summits, in which I covered quite a few tools & preventative
>>> measures you should know when running a production cluster.  You may find
>>> it useful:
>>> On ops center - I recommend it.  It gives you a nice dashboard.  I don't
>>> think it's completely comprehensive (but no tool really is) but it gets you
>>> 90% of the way there.
>>> It's a good idea to run repairs, especially if you're doing deletes or
>>> querying at CL=ONE.  I assume you're not using quorum, because on RF=2
>>> that's the same as CL=ALL.
>>> I recommend at least RF=3 because if you lose 1 server, you're on the
>>> edge of data loss.
>>> On Tue Dec 09 2014 at 7:19:32 PM Neha Trivedi <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We have Two Node Cluster Configuration in production with RF=2.
>>>> Which means that the data is written in both the clusters and it's
>>>> running for about a month now and has good amount of data.
>>>> Questions?
>>>> 1. What are the best practices for maintenance?
>>>> 2. Is OPScenter required to be installed or I can manage with nodetool
>>>> utility?
>>>> 3. Is is necessary to run repair weekly?
>>>> thanks
>>>> regards
>>>> Neha
> --
> [image: datastax_logo.png] <>
> Ryan Svihla
> Solution Architect
> [image: twitter.png] <> [image: linkedin.png]
> <>
> DataStax is the fastest, most scalable distributed database technology,
> delivering Apache Cassandra to the world’s most innovative enterprises.
> Datastax is built to be agile, always-on, and predictably scalable to any
> size. With more than 500 customers in 45 countries, DataStax is the
> database technology and transactional backbone of choice for the worlds
> most innovative companies such as Netflix, Adobe, Intuit, and eBay.

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