Hello all,
I have a new node that I want to add to the ring. The problem is that nodetool 
says UJ I have left it for several days and the status has not changed. In 
Opscenter it is "seen" as in an unknown cluster. 
>From the time that I started it, it was streaming data and the data size is 
>5,9 TB. This is very strange since all other nodes in the cluster have about 
>3,3 TB of data. Also tonight I saw that it stopped getting streams and the 
>status in nodetool was still UJ. So I thought to decommission the node delete 
>the data and start again. Nodetool throws unsupported operation: local node is 
>not a member of the token ring yet. So I have just restarted the node. Now 
>streaming data begins again. At this rate, I'll run out of disk space on that 
>node.One ideea that comes to mind is to stop, clear the data and restart. But 
>I am not sure about the implications for that. Also, I have tried nodetool 
>join. I got: This node has already joined the ring.
So nodetool status says UJ but nodetool join says otherwise, or am I not 
understanding someting here.
Any ideeas?  

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