
I am new to Cassandra, we are planning to use Cassandra for cloud base
application in our development environment, so for this looking forward for
best strategies to sync the schema for micro-services while deploy
application on cloud foundry

One way which I could use is   Accessor interface with datastax-mapper and
casandra-core driver.

1.)  I have created a keyspace using  core driver which will be generated
on initialization of servlet

*public* *void* init() *throws* ServletException

Cluster cluster = Cluster.*builder*().addContactPoint("").build();

Session session = cluster.connect();

 String keySpace="sampletest";

session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS "+ keySpace +

" WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1


2.) This is my Accessor Interface which I used to generate Query
for creating column family ..........


*public* *interface* UserAccessor


@Query(" CREATE TABLE sampletest.emp (id uuid PRIMARY KEY,name
text,department text,location text,phone bigint ) WITH caching = '{
\"keys\" : \"ALL\" , \"rows_per_partition\" : \"NONE\" }' " )

ResultSet create_table();


3.) Creating  an  instance of Accessor interface to provide mapping  to our
query to generate column family


MappingManager mapper=*new* MappingManager(session);

UserAccessor ua= mapper.createAccessor(UserAccessor.*class*);



4.) So far I have created a keyspace with a column family , now I want to
map my data using POJO class mentioned below

@Table(keyspace = "sampletest", name = "emp")
*public* *class* Employee {


*private* UUID id;

*private* String name;

*private* String department;

*private* String location;

*private* Long phone;

// getter setter method

Is there any other better approach to achieve this especially for cloud


Ankit Agarwal

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