Why are you creating new tables dynamically? I would try to use a static
schema and use a collection (list / map / set) for storing arbitrary data.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 2:52 PM, Ankit Agarwal <agarwalankit.k...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am new to Cassandra, we are planning to use Cassandra for cloud base
> application in our development environment, so for this looking forward for
> best strategies to sync the schema for micro-services while deploy
> application on cloud foundry
> One way which I could use is   Accessor interface with datastax-mapper and
> casandra-core driver.
> 1.)  I have created a keyspace using  core driver which will be generated
> on initialization of servlet
> *public* *void* init() *throws* ServletException
> {
> Cluster cluster = Cluster.*builder*().addContactPoint(""
> ).build();
> Session session = cluster.connect();
>  String keySpace="sampletest";
> session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS "+ keySpace +
> " WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' :
> 1 }");
> ..............
> 2.) This is my Accessor Interface which I used to generate Query
> for creating column family ..........
> @Accessor
> *public* *interface* UserAccessor
> {
> @Query(" CREATE TABLE sampletest.emp (id uuid PRIMARY KEY,name
> text,department text,location text,phone bigint ) WITH caching = '{
> \"keys\" : \"ALL\" , \"rows_per_partition\" : \"NONE\" }' " )
> ResultSet create_table();
> }
> 3.) Creating  an  instance of Accessor interface to provide mapping  to
> our query to generate column family
> ................
> MappingManager mapper=*new* MappingManager(session);
> UserAccessor ua= mapper.createAccessor(UserAccessor.*class*);
>  ua.create_table();
>  ................
> 4.) So far I have created a keyspace with a column family , now I want to
> map my data using POJO class mentioned below
> @Table(keyspace = "sampletest", name = "emp")
> *public* *class* Employee {
>  @PartitionKey
> *private* UUID id;
> *private* String name;
> *private* String department;
> *private* String location;
> *private* Long phone;
> // getter setter method
> .................
> }
> Is there any other better approach to achieve this especially for cloud
> environment
> --
> Thanks
> Ankit Agarwal

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