Does TTL also cause tombstones?

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 6:57 PM, Vladimir Yudovin <>

> >The deletes will be done at a scheduled time, probably at the end of the
> day, each day.
> Probably you can use TTL?
> cql/3.1/cql/cql_using/use_expire_c.html
> Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin,
> *Winguzone <> - Hosted Cloud
> CassandraLaunch your cluster in minutes.*
> ---- On Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:04:12 -0500*Ali Akhtar <
> <>>* wrote ----
> I have a use case where a lot of updates and deletes to a table will be
> necessary.
> The deletes will be done at a scheduled time, probably at the end of the
> day, each day.
> Updates will be done throughout the day, as new data comes in.
> Are there any guidelines on improving cassandra's performance for this use
> case? Any caveats to be aware of? Any tips, like running nodetool repair
> every X days?
> Thanks.

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