Yes, because there will also be a lot of inserts, and the linear
scalability that c* offers is required.

But the inserts aren't static, and the data that comes in will need to be
updated in response to user events.

Data which hasn't been touched for over a week has to be deleted.
(Sensitive data, so better to delete when its out of date rather than store

Couldn't really do the weekly tables without massively complicating my
report generation, as the entire dataset needs to be queried for generating
certain reports.

So my question is really about how to get the best out of c* in this sort
of scenario.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 3:05 PM, DuyHai Doan <> wrote:

> Are you sure Cassandra is a good fit for this kind of heavy update &
> delete scenario ?
> Otherwise, you can always use several tables (one table/day, rotating
> through 7 days for a week) and do a truncate of the table at the end of the
> day.
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:04 AM, Ali Akhtar <> wrote:
>> I have a use case where a lot of updates and deletes to a table will be
>> necessary.
>> The deletes will be done at a scheduled time, probably at the end of the
>> day, each day.
>> Updates will be done throughout the day, as new data comes in.
>> Are there any guidelines on improving cassandra's performance for this
>> use case? Any caveats to be aware of? Any tips, like running nodetool
>> repair every X days?
>> Thanks.

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