Well, I have been working some with Spark and the biggest hurdle is that Spark 
does not allow me to run multiple jobs in parallel
i.e. at the point of starting the job to taking the table of “Individuals” I 
will have to wait until all that processing is done before I can start an 
additional one
so I will need to upon demand start various additional jobs where I get 
“Addresses”, “Invoices”, … and so on
I know I could increase number of Workers/Executors and use Mesos for handling 
the scheduling and resource management but we have so far not been able to get 
it dynamic/flexible enough
Although I admit that this could still be a way forward we have not evaluated 
it 100% yet, so I have not completely given up that thought


From: Justin Cameron <jus...@instaclustr.com>
Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
Date: Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 01:36
To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: How can I efficiently export the content of my table to KAFKA

You could probably save yourself a lot of hassle by just writing a Spark job 
that scans through the entire table, converts each row to JSON and dumps the 
output into a Kafka topic. It should be fairly straightforward to implement.

Spark will manage the partitioning of "Producer" processes for you - no need 
for a "Coordinator" topic.

On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 at 05:49 Tobias Eriksson 
<tobias.eriks...@qvantel.com<mailto:tobias.eriks...@qvantel.com>> wrote:
I would like to make a dump of the database, in JSON format, to KAFKA
The database contains lots of data, millions and in some cases billions of 
I will provide the customer with an export of the data, where they can read it 
off of a KAFKA topic

My thinking was to have it scalable such that I will distribute the token range 
of all available partition-keys to a number of (N) processes (JSON-Producers)
First I will have a process which will read through the available tokens and 
then publish them on a KAFKA “Coordinator” Topic
And then I can create 1, 10, 20 or N processes that will act as Producers to 
the real KAFKA topic, and pick available tokens/partition-keys off of the 
“Coordinator” Topic
One by one until all the “rows” have been processed.
So the JOSN-Producer will take e.g. a range of 1000 “rows” and convert them 
into my own JSON format and post to KAFKA
And then after that take another 1000 “rows” and then …. And then another 1000 
“rows” and so on, until it is done.

I base my idea on how I believe Apache Spark Connector accomplishes data 
locality, i.e. being aware of where tokens reside and figured that since that 
is possible it should be possible to create a job-list in a KAFKA topic, and 
have each Producer pick jobs from there, and read up data from Cassandra based 
on the partition key (token) and then post the JSON on the export KAFKA topic.

Would you consider this a good idea ?
Would there in fact be a better idea, what would that be then ?


Justin Cameron
Senior Software Engineer


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