On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 7:35 PM, Jeff Jirsa <jji...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It comes up from time to time.  Rob Coli spent years arguing that this
> behavior was confusing ( https://issues.apache.org/
> jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5836 ) , especially in the "I'm replacing a failed
> seed" sense. It also comes up when you're adding the first few hosts to a
> new DC (where they're new, but they're definitely going to be the seeds for
> the new DC).


I find the response on this ticket quite terrible: a number of independent
reports of significant problems caused by this behavior doesn't justify the
"Won't Fix" status, IMO.

We were also hit by this one time when the expected location of data
directory has changed in our Docker image.  We were performing a rolling
update of the cluster and the first two nodes that we've updated happened
to be seeds.  They started happily with blank data directory and were
serving read requests.  Ouch.  We only realized there was a problem then
the next node that we've updated failed to start.  The only reason is that
it *did* try to bootstrap and failed.

People use to repeat "seed nodes are not different from non-seeds" and it's
true from the perspective of a client application.  The same people would
repeat "seeds don't bootstrap" as some kind of magical incantation, so
seeds *are* different and in a subtle way for the operator.  But I don't
believe that this difference is justified.  When creating a brand new
cluster there is no practical difference as to using auto_bootstrap=true or
false, because there is no data or clients, so the seed nodes behave
exactly the same way as non-seeds.  When adding a new DC you are supposed
to set auto_boostrap=false explicitly, so again no difference.

Where it matters however, is node behavior in *unexpected* circumstances.
If seeds nodes were truly not different from non-seeds in this regard,
there would be less surprises, because of the total node uniformity within
the cluster.

Therefore, I argue that the ticket should be reopened.


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