Are you seeing significant issues in terms of performance?  Increased
garbage collection, long pauses, or even OutOfMemory?  Which garbage
collector are you using and with what settings/thresholds?  Since the JVM's
garbage-collected, a bigger heap can mean a problem or it can just mean
"hasn't gotten big enough for the collector to bother doing any work"

If it's genuinely having memory/heap pressure problems, it's probably worth
getting a heap dump and poking through it to see what's using the space.
For a heap that big, you'll probably need to run the Eclipse MAT CLI tools
against it then open the result in the GUI.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Abdul Patel <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I recently upgraded my non prod cluster from 3.10 to 3.11.2.
> It was working fine for a 1.5 weeks then suddenly nodetool info startee
> reporting 80% and more memory consumption.
> Intially it was 16gb configured, then i bumped to 20gb and rebooted all 4
> nodes of cluster-single DC.
> Now after 8 days i again see 80% + usage and its 16gb and above ..which we
> never saw before .
> Seems like memory leak bug?
> Does anyone has any idea ? Our 3.11.2 release rollout has been halted
> because of this.
> If not 3.11.2 whats the next best stable release we have now?

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