Shouldn't happen. Any chance you could trace the queries, or have you been
able to reproduce it? Also, what version of Cassandra?

On Wed., 4 Jul. 2018, 06:41 Visa, <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We recently experienced an unexpected behavior with C* consistency.
> For example, a table t consists of 4 columns - pk , a, b and c. We perform
> Quorum write and then Quorum read (RF=3 / LCS compaction).
> The consistency seems to break while repairing is running(repair -pr).
> Say, a record already exists in t like
> pk=1, a=1, b=1, c=1
> While repair is not running
> Quorum Write:
> update t set c = 2 where pk=1
> Quorum Read:
> select pk,a,b,c from t where pk=1 limit 1
> Returns: (1, 1, 1, 2) as expected.
> But if we do it while repair is running,
> Quorum Write:
> update t set c=3 where pk=1
> Quorum Read, however, returns (1, null, null, 3) w/o values of a and b.
> After repair is done, then the same Quorum Read returns the right values
> (1,1,1,3).
> It does not happen to every row in t. The impacted rows are like 40 out of
> 300 millions. But still how the consistency gets broken here?
> Thanks for your attention!
> Li
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