Thanks Michael, While I agree with the advantage of symlinks , I am worried for 
future upgrades.

My concern here is how to unlink the Cassandra binaries like nodetool,cassandra 
,cqlsh etc after migrating to tar gz installation.


> On Jul 10, 2018, at 5:46 AM, Michael Shuler <> wrote:
> On 07/10/2018 02:48 AM, rajasekhar kommineni wrote:
>> Hi Rahul,
>> The problem for removing the old links is Cassandra binaries are pointed
>> from /usr//bin/, /usr//sbin etc ..
>> $ which nodetool 
>> /usr/bin/nodetool
>> $ which cqlsh
>> /usr/bin/cqlsh
>> $ which cassandra
>> /usr/sbin/cassandra
> This is a basic linux usage thing, not really a cassandra problem, but
> it's why packages make things simple for general use - the default
> /usr/{s}bin locations are in $PATH. If you wish to have nodetool, etc.
> in your user's $PATH, just update the user's shell configuration to
> include the tar locations.
> export CASSANDRA_HOME=</path/to/extracted/tarball>
> This can be added to the bottom of ~/.bashrc for persistence. Bonus
> points for symlink of generic cassandra_home to versioned one, which is
> used for upgrades without messing with PATH env for user and within
> configs for Cassandra.
> -- 
> Michael
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