The current data model described as table name:
((partition_key),cluster_key),other_column1,other_column2,... user_by_name:
((time_bucket, username)),ts,request,email user_by_mail: ((time_bucket,
email)),ts,request,username The reason that all 2 keys (username, email)
repeated in all tables is that there may be different username with the same
email or different email with same username, and the query for data model is:
1. username = X 2. mail=Y 3. username = X and mail= Y (we query one of tables
and because there is small number of records in result, we filter the other
column) This data model results in wasting lots of storage. I thought using
UUID or hash code or sequence to handle this but i can't keep track of the old
vs new records (the ones that already have UUID). Any recommendation on
optimizing data model to save storage? Sent using Zoho Mail