If it already uses 100 % CPU I have a hard time seeing it being able to
do a decomission while serving requests. If you have a lot of free
space I would first try nodetool disableautocompaction. If you don't
see any progress in nodetool netstats you can also disablebinary,
disablethrift and disablehandoff to stop serving client requests. 

Software Developer

Ölandsgatan 1
37133 Karlskrona, Sweden
On tis, 2018-12-04 at 14:21 +0330, onmstester onmstester wrote:
> One node suddenly uses 100% CPU, i suspect hardware problems and do
> not have time to trace that, so decided to just remove the node from
> the cluster, but although the node state changed to UL, but no sign
> of Leaving: the node is still compacting and flushing memtables,
> writing mutations and CPU is 100% for hours since.
> Is there any means to force a Cassandra Node to just decommission and
> stop doing normal things?
> Due to W.CL=ONE, i can not use removenode and shutdown the node
> Best Regards
> Sent using Zoho Mail

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