Premature send, apologies.

At minimum, I see the following needing to happen:

    update cluster name in system.local
cassandra.yaml in dc2:
    cluster_name: change to new cluster name
    seeds: change to point at a couple of local nodes

system_auth, system_distributed, system_traces, and my keyspace replication
factors need altering

I guess the main issues I see are related to the timing of things. Seems
like I need to make sure the DCs are disconnected into separate clusters
before doing an ALTER KEYSPACE (since the ALTER will differ between dc1 and
dc2). That, and getting the nodes in each current DC to "forget" about the
other DC.

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:03 AM Voytek Jarnot <>

> My google-fu is failing me this morning. I'm looking for any tips on
> splitting a 2 DC cluster into two separate clusters. I see a lot of docs
> about decomissioning a datacenter, but not much in the way of disconnecting
> datacenters into individual clusters, but keeping each one as-is data-wise
> (aside from replication factor, of course).
> Our setup is simple: two DCs (dc1 and dc2), two seed nodes (both in dc1;
> yes, I know not the recommended config), one keyspace (besides the system
> ones) replicated in both DCs. I'm trying to end up with two clusters with 1
> DC in each.
> Would appreciate any input.

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