I did decommission of this node and I did all the steps mentioned except
the -Dcassandra.replace_address and now it is streaming correctly!

So basically, if I want this new node as seed should I add its IP address
after it joined the cluster and after
- nodetool drain
- restart cassandra?

I deactivated the future repair happening in the cluster while this node is

When you add a node is it better to stop the repair process?

Thank you very much Erick!



Il giorno gio 13 feb 2020 alle ore 17:52 Erick Ramirez <
erick.rami...@datastax.com> ha scritto:

> Should I do something to fix it or leave as it?
> It depends on what your intentions are. I would use the "replace" method
> to build it correctly. At a high level:
> - remove the IP from it's own seeds list
> - delete the contents of data, commitlog and saved_caches
> - add the replace flag in cassandra-env.sh (
> -Dcassandra.replace_address=its_own_ip)
> - start C*
> That should allow the node to "replace itself" in the ring and prevent
> expensive reshuffling/rebalancing of tokens. Cheers!

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