Application team confirmed that they are * not* referencing the dropped MVs
anywhere for reading or writing

On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 at 22:25, Surbhi Gupta <> wrote:

> So should upgrading to 3.11.1 will solve this issue?
> On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 at 22:18, Surbhi Gupta <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Eric...
>> On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 at 22:06, Erick Ramirez <>
>> wrote:
>>> Just to add to my above point because here we are dropping MV not a
>>>> regular table.
>>>> And MV does read before write , Is this the reason we are seeing the
>>>> below message? Trying to understand
>>>> WARN  [HintsDispatcher:6737] 2020-02-18 14:22:24,932 
>>>> - Failed to read a hint for /10.X.X.X: 
>>>> f75e58e8-c255-4318-a553-06487b6bbe8c - table with id 
>>>> 7bb4b2d2-8622-11e8-a44b-a92f2dd93ff1 is unknown in file 
>>>> f75e58e8-c255-4318-a553-06487b6bbe8c-1582060925656-1.hints
>>> That warning message means that the hint for host /10.X.X.X (the IP you
>>> obfuscated) could not be read from the hint file (file
>>> f75e58e8-c255-4318-a553-06487b6bbe8c-1582060925656-1.hints) because the
>>> table (or MV) it belongs to with CF ID
>>> 7bb4b2d2-8622-11e8-a44b-a92f2dd93ff1 doesn't exist anymore.

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