Hi Ethan,

Thanks for the advice!

As I am in an experimental phase, I decided to try again in pseudo-distributed 
I tried downgrading to Hadoop 3.2.1 (OpenJDK8) but apparently that Hadoop 
distribution doesn't run on Apple M1 chip!

I therefore tried again on Hadoop 3.3.4 and was successfully able to get the 
Hadoop MapReduce word count example running. I needed to configure and start 
YARN (which I did not do previously). 
I will create a pull request such that this is reflected in the Celeborn 

I am running into other issues which I will create a new thread for.

Thank you

On 2023/10/18 05:05:12 Ethan Feng wrote:
> Hi Lewis,
> Sorry to hear that you're having trouble running the wordcount example
> with Celeborn.
> Based on the information you shared, I would suggest you run MapReduce
> with Celeborn on a Hadoop cluster instead of pseudo-disturb mode.
> Celeborn client in MapReduce needs to write a config file into the
> Hadoop file system.
> If that doesn't resolve the issue, please let me know and I'll be
> happy to help you troubleshoot further.
> Celeborn has a Slack workspace if you are convenient to join. (
> https://join.slack.com/t/apachecelebor-kw08030/shared_invite/zt-1ju3hd5j8-4Z5keMdzpcVMspe4UJzF4Q
> )
> Best regards,
> Ethan Feng

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