mhm, sorry.. just to be more clear.

Is there a way in Commons Digester to trigger a method only if a xml element
has a child ?

digester.addCallMethod("collection/doc/categ/*",  "myMethod", 0);

This doesn't work. But it is actually what I need. If element <categ> has at
least a child, then trigger myMethod


On 13 May 2011 18:48, Patrick Diviacco <> wrote:

> I need to print the content of <categ> in my XML file (including children
> tags).
> For example, if I have <categ><child></child></categ>, I want to print
> "<child></child>"
> I'm currently parsing the xml file with: 
> digester.addCallMethod("collection/doc/categ",
>  "checkCateg", 0);
> and this is the checkCateg function:
> public void checkCateg(String categ) {
> System.out.println(categ);
> }
> It doesn't work. The string categ is always empty because it only contains
> text content in <categ> but not its children tags.
> thanks,
> Patrick

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