Hi, John. Sorry for the long delay.

  The original authors of JXPath are long gone, but from what I can
reconstruct the intent of nested JXPathContexts is only to unify treatment
of things like variables, namespaces, and at a guess, functions. AFAICT
your test case appears to have overcomplicated the issue, although notably
my alternative does resort to some string concatentation to accomplish the
same apparent purpose of the test case. Certainly the whole JXPath codebase
could benefit from some modernization. In any event, I have:

    public void anotherTest() throws Exception {
        final InputStream is =


        final Document document =

        final JXPathContext ctx = JXPathContext.newContext(document);

        // not sure why this was done, but I have preserved it

        for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
        Iterator<Pointer> ptrs =
ctx.iteratePointers("/project/dependencies/dependency"); ptrs.hasNext();) {
            final Pointer ptr = ptrs.next();
            dump((Node) ptr.getNode());
            System.out.printf("declared by project with groupId '%s'%n",
ctx.getValue(ptr.asPath() + "/ancestor::project/groupId"));

which yields output:


declared by project with groupId 'org.test'

Does this help?


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 1:09 PM, John Casey <jdca...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to learn how to use JXPath with DOM in order to speed up some
> code that uses a lot of xpath. I've seen blog posts suggesting it's about
> twice as fast as JAXP's XPath processor...
> The problem I'm running into is when I construct a JXPathContext around a
> node down in the DOM tree, then try to select a node elsewhere in the tree
> using the ancestor:: axis. I'm attaching a sample XML file and unit test
> that shows what I'm trying to do.
> I've run this through a debugger, and it appears that the 
> DOMNodePointer.getImmediateParent()
> doesn't even try to look at the Node.getParentNode()...if it doesn't have a
> pre-existing parent (from its ctor) then it just dumbly returns the null
> parent.
> I haven't done enough research yet to know how to get DOMNodePointer to
> populate its parent (using the public API, not the nuts-and-bolts impl
> details), but in the attached example you can see I try two approaches:
> 1. the naive approach, which is also the last one in the code. IMO, this
> one should work!
> 2. a brute-force alternative, where JXPathContext instances for each
> intermediate node are created to inherit in the right order, all the way
> back to the document itself. From my partial reading of the code, this
> should work even if the naive approach doesn't.
> Neither of these works, though. Can someone shed some light on it, or let
> me know if I've found a bug (seems like a common use case)...
> Thanks,
> -john
> --
> John Casey
> GitHub - http://github.com/jdcasey
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