On 08.04.17 14:40, robertlazarski . wrote:
> We need update events because our code already uses them - we are
> replacing our current cache libs (ehcache) with another lib -
> preferably JCS.
> More specifically, our local cache is filled with stock prices via a
> "HTTP server push" stream and on updates we need to perform some
> additional calculations using events and listeners.

Although I strongly believe that this should be handled outside the
scope of the cache, I think that update events could be added to JCS
quite easily.

JCS does not support this at the moment. The best place to add such a
feature probably would be CompositeCache.update() and remove(),
respectively. Please be sure to take the asynchronous nature of event
handling into account.

> I looked a lot at the JCS code and didn't find update events, which is
> why I looked at the JCS JCache implementation. Apparently JSR-107
> didn't define persistence though. I notice some other projects have a
> JSR-107 "CacheStore" for disk persistence but to be clear I definitely
> want to use JCS.

The JCache implementation actually is just a wrapper around JCS, so all
features of JCS, including the disk auxiliary should be available from
JCache, too. I'm only maintaining the core of JCS, so I cannot speak
from JCache experiences here.

> Saying this as humbly as possible as clearly I am not a Cache expert ,
> I am an Apache Axis2 committer plus I have done several Linux related
> contributions and I would be willing to submit patches if I end up
> having to "scratch my own itch" . Of course though I would rather use
> an API that already exists.

Patches are always welcome.
However I still suggest to reconsider putting data manipulations into
the scope of the cache, independently of the library used.

Bye, Thomas

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